проєкт на тему моя улюблена страва на англійській мові 4-5 речень.​

yuuipeee: А яка твоя улюблена страва? Я можу допомогти.
nastyapervisnyk: суші
nastyapervisnyk: Суші
nastyapervisnyk: Суші а бо піца
yuuipeee: Я написав варіант про суші, сподіваюсь допоміг
nastyapervisnyk: Дякую. Але я чомусь не можу подивитися
yuuipeee: Ох, не знаю чому :( Я можу відправити сюди?
nastyapervisnyk: давай
yuuipeee: My favorite food is sushi. Sushi is small cakes with rice and seafood, which are made by hand. There are many different types of sushi and they are all delicious! The main ingredients are rice, nori sheets, rice sauce and wasabi. Sushi is not only delicious, but also healthy for the body, so I love them.
nastyapervisnyk: дякую


Ответ дал: myshapro


My favorite dish is spaghetti carbonara. It's an Italian pasta dish that consists of spaghetti, eggs, bacon, and Parmesan cheese. The combination of the creamy sauce and the salty bacon is simply irresistible to me. I love the simplicity of the dish and how easy it is to prepare. Whenever I'm feeling down, a bowl of spaghetti carbonara always manages to lift my spirits. It's definitely my go-to comfort food.

Ответ дал: yuuipeee
My favorite food is sushi. Sushi is small cakes with rice and seafood from Japan, which are made by hand. There are many different types of sushi and they are all delicious! The main ingredients are rice, nori sheets, rice sauce and wasabi. Sushi is not only delicious, but also healthy for the body, so I love them.
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