|Make sentences with will using the prompts.|
1. I/not/think/ the weather/get/ worse here. 2. We/not/have/driverless cars/ for a long time. 3. There/be/more work/ for everyone in future. 4. The population/in our country/rise. 5. We/not/have/ enough new houses/ for everyone. 6. People/have to/live together 7. I/think/people/still/want/ to get married. 8. I/not/think/everyone/meet/online.​


Ответ дал: furduchkovova


1. I do not think the weather will get worse here.

2. We will not have driverless cars for a long time.

3. There will be more work for everyone in the future.

4. The population in our country will rise.

5. We will not have enough new houses for everyone.

6. People have to live together.

7. I think people still want to get married.

8. I do not think everyone will meet online.


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