Напишите эссе на тему”мой распорядок дня” используя adverbs of frequency


Ответ дал: rdahsbw


I usually wake up early in the morning around 6 am. I always brush my teeth and wash my face before I do anything else. After that I sometimes go for a run or do some light exercise to start my day. I usually work out three to four times a week.

After classes, I always take a shower and get dressed for school. I always have breakfast before I leave the house, usually cereal or oatmeal with fruit. I always leave home on time because I never want to be late for school.

I am always at school from 9 am to 4 pm from Monday to Friday. During my day, during breaks, I usually walk around the school to stretch my legs or go outside to get some fresh air.

When I get home from school, I usually have some free time to relax. I often watch TV or read a book and usually do so for about an hour or two. After that I always make dinner, usually a healthy meal with vegetables, rice or pasta and some protein.

After dinner, I always devote time to my hobbies. I often play video games or watch movies and usually do so for several hours. Then I do my homework. I always try to go to bed at a reasonable time, usually around 10 or 11pm. Before bed I always read a book for about 30 minutes to help me relax and fall asleep.

In summary, my daily routine is something I always try to stick to as much as possible. Adverbs of frequency help me describe how often I do certain activities in my routine, such as exercising three or four times a week or reading a book for 30 minutes before bed. Keeping a routine helps me stay organized, focused and productive throughout the day

Аноним: А ты можешь написать тоже самое только то что я иду в школу?
rdahsbw: эссе на тему "я иду в школу"? или как, можно конкретнее?
Аноним: нет,ты просто написал то что утром я иду на работу а я еще хожу в школу
rdahsbw: ааа, хорошо, сейчас
Аноним: ок спасибо
rdahsbw: изменила
Аноним: спасибо
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