Total [6] Writing Task. Think of the celebration you remember as a child. Use the questions and make notes. 1. Why was there a celebration? 2. Where was it? 3. How did they prepare for the party? 4. What happened at the party? 5. Did everyone have a good time?​



Ответ дал: psina67
1. The celebration was for my grandmother's 30th birthday.
2. It took place in our backyard, decorated with colorful streamers and balloons.
3. They prepared by cooking a large feast, baking a special cake, and organizing games and activities for everyone.
4. At the party, there were heartfelt speeches, laughter, and plenty of delicious food. Music played, and everyone danced and enjoyed themselves.
5. Yes, everyone had a fantastic time, sharing memories and enjoying the company of each other.
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