(Circle the correct options. 1 You need to office 2. It was really a disappoint 3. Please a take a cab from the train station to the c také when we lost the match b disappointing & disappointed care when you go backpacking abroad b have 4 Rush in my city is usually around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. a time 5 The ferry service a big storm. 7 8 Spe 7 Put b traffic c hour ahead, even though there was a got b went c took 6 I don't the point of owning a car in a big city. a see b have c know When you arrive your destination, phone me a at b by I don't often travel usually slow c to rail, because the trains are b at a to e by 9 I was to hear that they are building a new airport here. c surprising a surprise b surprised 10 There's always a jam in the mornings. a traffic b car c transport Total:​



Ответ дал: CreckYT


1) You need to take care when you go backpacking abroad.

2) It was really disappointing.

3)Please take a cab from the train station to the office.

4)Rush hour in my city is usually around 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

5)The ferry service got delayed due to a big storm.

6)I don't see the point of owning a car in a big city.

7)Put on your coat when you go outside.

8) Speaking two languages is an advantage.

9)I was surprised to hear that they are building a new airport here.

10) There's always traffic jam in the morning

Надеюсь помог, удачи :D! (За такие сложные задания советую побольше баллов давать, а то долго писал всё это)

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