3. Work in pairs. Give reasons for your answers. 1. What would you change in musical education at your school? 2. What would you keep in it? 3. What type of musical instruments attracts you most? Why? Срочно


Ответ дал: SnowWhite1990

1. What would you change in musical education at your school?

  • I would introduce more practical music lessons, such as ensemble playing, individual instrument lessons, and songwriting.
  • I would also incorporate more modern music genres to attract students who may not be interested in classical music.
  • I would ensure that every student has access to musical instruments and technology, regardless of their socio-economic background.
  • Finally, I would invite guest musicians to give performances and workshops to inspire and expose students to different musical cultures and styles.

2. What would you keep in it?

  • I would keep the theoretical music education, such as music history, music theory, and sight-reading, to provide a well-rounded music education.
  • I would keep the traditional ensembles, such as choir and orchestra, to provide opportunities for students to learn how to collaborate and perform together.
  • I would also keep the emphasis on music appreciation, as students need to develop an understanding and appreciation of different musical styles and cultures.

3. What type of musical instruments attract you most? Why?

  • Others might prefer percussion instruments, such as drums or marimba, because of their rhythmic nature and ability to create complex rhythms.
  • Some people might also be drawn to wind instruments, such as flute or saxophone, because of their beautiful sound and the physical sensation of blowing into the instrument.
  • Ultimately, the choice of the instrument comes down to personal preference and what type of music one wants to play.
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