Даю 50 балов!!! СРОЧНО!!!
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use no more than three words.
1. We'll only eat when everyone gets here.
We won't eat until everyone gets here.
2. I'll go to Peru and then to Egypt.
I'll go to Egypt ______ to Peru.
3. When it stops raining, we'll leave immediately.
We'll leave as soon _______raining.
4. I'll check my passport and then pack my clothes.
I'll check my passport ________ I pack my clothes.
5. He'll only be happy when he gets his money back.
He won't be happy _______ his money back.


Ответ дал: SnowWhite1990


  1. Won't eat till
  2. first/next
  3. as it/when it stops
  4. before/and then
  5. unless/until he gets

yabluko1801: Все крім четвертого неправильне.
yabluko1801: 2 - after go
yabluko1801: 3 - as it stops
yabluko1801: 5 - until he gets
MarijaHaromova: а что не верно?
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