ОбPA3EU They are going to work (o,w,k,r) tomorrow. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. He I Tom Tom and Nick The teachers The sportsman The policemen him the question. My grandparents Kate and Ann's grandmother (a,e,k,m) a cake. 10. The writer (a,w,t,h,c) TV. (e,b) a fireman. (a,e,k,t) photos. (a,y,p,l) chess.. (a,e,h.v) a party. (e,a,t,k) a taxi. (a,k,s) (i,i,v,t,s) us. (e,i,w,t,r) a new book. RUPyccknil (Pocc) Copaska 130% 20 16:39​



Ответ дал: sevaviki


1. He watch TV

2. I be a fireman

3.Tom take photos

4.Tom and Nick play chess

5.The teachers have a party

6.The sportsman teke a taxi

7.The policemen ask him the question

8.My grandparents visit us

9.Kate and Ann's grandmother make a cake

10.The writer write a new book

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