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Ответ дал: salammolekym


Subject: Planning our visit!

Dear [Friend’s Name],

I’m so excited to have made a new friend like you! We've had some great conversations and I can't wait for you to come and visit me. There are so many things to see and do in our city, and I can't wait to share them with you. Here are a few ideas of things we can do together:

First of all, we could go out and explore the city together. I'd love to take you to some of my favorite restaurants, cafes and bars. We could even go to some museums and art galleries if you're interested. There's so much to see and do here, I'm sure we'll find something that you'll love.

If you're up for something more adventurous, we could go hiking or biking in the nearby mountains. There are some great trails with breathtaking views that I think you'll love. We could even take a picnic and enjoy the beautiful scenery together.

Alternatively, we could take a day trip and visit some of the neighboring towns. There are some charming villages and historical sites nearby that are definitely worth seeing. We could pack a lunch and make a day of it!

I'm also looking forward to meeting some of my friends and introducing you to them. We could go out for drinks or have a dinner party at my place. It would be a great way for you to meet some locals and get a feel for the city.

I hope these ideas have given you some inspiration for things to do while you're here. Of course, we can always change our plans based on your interests and preferences. I'm just excited to spend some time with you and show you around!

Let me know when you're thinking of visiting, and we can start planning in more detail.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


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