Напишите чем в любите заниматься в свободное время на английском 3-5 предложений 5 клас СРОЧНООООООООО!!!!!


Ответ дал: creepykitti


I love doing sports very much. For example: playing sports will make you a healthy person. I also love to read books. Books lift my mood and I am very interested in reading.

sofia30092002sofia80: Спасибо большое ^^
Ответ дал: badmonth


i like to draw. thats my hobbie, i draw at my vacations, or just while i have free time. Drawing is very important thing in the world. Everywhere, designers, architectors, or just drawers. we need them always. Its hard to draw well, but some people think that its easy, and no drawing doesnt deserves to be anyones work.


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