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Art Is Communication

words. You can also communicate through the arts. Art is a language that artists use to express ideas and When you talk to someone or write a letter you communicate. You share your ideas and feelings by using feelings that everyday words cannot express. In order to fully experience art, you must do more than simply look at it with your eyes, you must develop the ability to perceive. To look is to merely notice and label an object with a name, such as "chair" or "house". To perceive is to become deeply aware of the special nature of a visual object through the senses.

Perception is the result of perceiving. To understand a work of art you must train yourself to perceive. Try to perceive what Meyer Straus is expressing in his painting "Bayou Teche". If you concentrate on image you can feel the humid atmosphere of the Louisiana swamps and bear the mosquitoes buzzing You can understand how it feels to be enclosed by branches dripping with Spanish moss. You can almost hear the water lapping against the boat.


Ответ дал: pupkinll2016


"Art Is Communication" is an essay that explains how art is a language that artists use to express ideas and feelings that cannot be fully communicated through everyday words. To fully experience art, one must develop the ability to perceive it through the senses, rather than simply looking at it with the eyes. Perception is the result of perceiving, and understanding a work of art requires training oneself to perceive. The essay uses Meyer Straus's painting "Bayou Teche" as an example of how art can be used to express the special nature of a visual object and how it can make the viewer feel the atmosphere and surroundings of the subject.

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