помогите задание В и С дам 50 балов!!!!

да знаю пдф но прошу загрузить и зделать умоляю вас!!!


Аноним: Дерт 123456 прошу помогите
Аноним: oke
Аноним: зделайте 2 задания только В и С
Аноним: нужно задание В
Аноним: с оказуееться есть
Аноним: bopod22789 помогите только те задания


Ответ дал: bopod22789


A. Circle the correct words.

Yesterday evening. I was at home and I was scared. There was a blackout / project.

Helen and Jane like each other / something very much.

My sister, Kim, has got a(n) diary / information.

We went to an incredible match / ball yesterday.

Oliver asked / started me to help him with his homework.

I’ve got a brilliant / dark idea!

B. Write the Past Simple of the verbs below.

go - went

paint - painted

have - had

prepare - prepared

study - studied

get - got

sit - sat

kick - kicked

stop - stopped

do - did

C. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

I (1) was (be) with my friend Ted all day. In the morning, we (2) went (go) to the skatepark and we (3) skateboarded (skateboard) with our friends. Then we (4) went (go) to my house for lunch. My mum (5) cooked (cook) chicken and potatoes, my favourite! Ted (6) loved (love) it, too! After lunch, we (7) played (play) board games with my brother, Jake. In the evening, we (8) had (have) a big barbecue. Delicious! We (9) listened (listen) to music and (10) danced (dance) . I (11) had (have) a great time!


Аноним: спасибо тебе огромное!!
bopod22789: Учитель? то есть ты дал это посмотреть учителю?
Аноним: не не не
Аноним: єто отзыв поставил тебе 5 звезд
Аноним: привет єто я только с другого акаунта
Аноним: єто я просто изменил акаунт
olenadidukh2: Ти мене спас(ла) дякую велике
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