Complete the conversation. What tenses are the three questions?
A. Where ____ live, Anna?
B. In a flat in Green Street.
A. How long ____ there?
B. Only for-er,.... three months. Yes, since June.
A. And why ___ move?
B. Well, we wanted to live near the park


Ответ дал: b0t1k

A. Where do you live, Anna?

B. In a flat in Green Street.

A. How long have you been there?

B. Only for-er,.... three months. Yes, since June.

A. And why did you move?

B. Well, we wanted to live near the park.

The first question is in the present simple tense ("Where do you live?"). The second question is in the present perfect tense ("How long have you been there?"). The third question is in the past simple tense ("And why did you move?").

Ответ дал: shukhratconsultansy



1where do you live Anna?

2how long have you been there?

3and why did you move?

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