Fill in the words given below. (номер речення+слово)
diverse, upland, linked, governed, brassware, borough, varied, navigable,
1. Birmingham was founded on an ___________.
2. The UK is ___________ by the parliament.
3. Rainforests are rich in ___________ species of plants.
4. Some British overseas territories are ___________ to the UK.
5. There aren’t many _____________ rivers in the UK.
6. Birmingham is famous for its _____________ things.
7. The British _____________ is multinational today.
8. The culture of the UK is rich and _____________.
9. This city used to be a _____________ in medieval times.

3. Make up sentences about Scotland.
1) a country/ the United Kingdom/in/Scotland/the north/is/of.
2) islands/800/almost/Scotland/includes.
3) the largest/of/Glasgow/Scotland/is/city.

4) St Andrew/flag/as/cross/is/The national/known.
5) cities/are/Most/in/major/the Scottish Lowlands/located.
6) surrounded/the North Sea/by/Scotland/the Atlantic Ocean/is/and.
7) about/Scotland/is/5,4 million/The population/of/people.


Ответ дал: jurjevtihon


Scotland is a country in the north of the United Kingdom.

Scotland includes almost 800 islands.

The largest city in Scotland is Glasgow.

The national flag of Scotland is known as the St Andrew's Cross.

Most major cities in Scotland are located in the Scottish Lowlands.

Scotland is surrounded by the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

The population of Scotland is about 5.4 million people.


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