59. a, the or no article?

1. He gave you such...... stupid advice. 2.. you was stupid. 3. It was....... advice he gave only advice he had given me. 4. What is ...... main advice? 5. What ..... stupid idea! 6. What stupid advice! 7. What ...... stupid questions! 8. What terrible day! 9. What...... terrible weather! 10. I hate such hot weather.


Ответ дал: reshans

He gave you such stupid advice. (no article)

You were stupid. (no article)

It was the advice he gave, only advice he had given me. (the)

What is the main advice? (the)

What a stupid idea! (a)

What stupid advice! (no article)

What stupid questions! (no article)

What a terrible day! (a)

What terrible weather! (no article)

I hate such hot weather. (no article)

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