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5 USE OF ENGLISH Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in brackets. 1 There is nothing to see here. (anything) 2 There wasn't anybody to talk to. (nobody) 3 I met a person who knows you. (somebody) 4 Is there a quiet place where we can talk? (anywhere) 5 I wanted some flip-flops but there weren't any in stock. (none) 6 We all know what you're thinking. (everyone) 7 Let's go to a hot place for our next holiday. (somewhere) 8 He doesn't have any friends who like window shopping. (none)​


Ответ дал: swemi
  1. There isn't anything to see here.
  2. There was nobody to talk to.
  3. I met somebody who knows you.
  4. Is there anywhere quiet where we can talk?
  5. There were none in stock of the flip-flops I wanted.
  6. Everyone knows what you're thinking.
  7. Let's go somewhere hot for our next holiday.
  8. He has none of his friends who like window shopping.
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