mal 3 What do you think about these things happening? Use the words in exercise 2. 1 You toss a coin and get heads. 2 Tomorrow you've got three arms. 3 New Year's Day is 1st January next year. 4 It will be cold in January. 5 The next cat you see will be white. 6 Pigs will fly. 7 You pass your next English test. 8 Real Madrid wins the next European Cup. 9 There are green men on Mars. 10 Tomorrow will be sunny.____​


Ответ дал: BaukaXD


likely, possible,

2 probable

3 even chance (равновероятно) 50%

4 unlikely, improbable

5 impossible


Аноним: Добрый вечер не могли бы мне помочь с английским языком пожалуйста
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