Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 to buy/your parents/are/going/a new car?
Are your parents going to buy a new car?
2 to visit/we/next year/are/Disneyworld/planning
3 to study/next year/not/German/I'm/going
4 to have/do/you/this evening?/a pizza/want
5 like/would/your friend/to the concert?/to come
6 after school?/to go/do/want/you/where


Ответ дал: 9pl9gecqz


Are your parents going to buy a new car?

We are planning to visit Disneyworld next year.

I'm not going to study German next year.

What do you want to have this evening? A pizza?

Would your friend like to come to the concert?

Where do you want to go after school?

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