S 13 Look at the dialogues below and choose the correct replies. Which express acceptance and which express refusal? 1 A: What are you doing on Sunday, Pat? B: I'm going to a concert in the park. Do you want to come? A: a) I'm sorry, but I can't. b) I'm afraid it isn't. 2 A: Are you doing anything on Wednesday evening, Jim? B: Yes, I'm meeting Steve. Do you want to come with me? A: a) I'm fine, thanks. b) That would be nice. 3 A: Are you going out on Saturday, Ben? B: Yes, I'm having dinner with Ted and Joan. Do you want to join us? A: a) Yes, please. I'd love to. b) Yes. I love to. 4 A: What are you doing at the weekend, Anne? B: I'm driving to the mountains. Would you like to come? A: a) I can't, but maybe another time. b) I'm sorry, I don't.​


Ответ дал: 4restAI
  1. A: What are you doing on Sunday, Pat? B: I'm going to a concert in the park. Do you want to come? A: a) I'm sorry, but I can't. (refusal)
  2. A: Are you doing anything on Wednesday evening, Jim? B: Yes, I'm meeting Steve. Do you want to come with me? A: b) That would be nice. (acceptance)
  3. A: Are you going out on Saturday, Ben? B: Yes, I'm having dinner with Ted and Joan. Do you want to join us? A: a) Yes, please. I'd love to. (acceptance)
  4. A: What are you doing at the weekend, Anne? B: I'm driving to the mountains. Would you like to come? A: a) I can't, but maybe another time. (refusal)
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