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Ответ дал: mylittleswallow152
  1. That's the second time you've forgotten to post a letter for me.
  2. He says he hasn't yet come to a final decision.
  3. I haven't seen Bob since he started seeing his new girlfriend.
  4. This is the first occasion I've seen Brian wearing a tie.
  5. Since Mike has lived here, he has usually been extremely friendly.
  6. Ever since we met, you have never asked me what I prefer to do.
  7. Mary left school two years ago.
  8. I know that Jack has always been jealous of his brother's success.
  9. Television programs have gotten worse since they allowed private channels.
  10. In August last year, I went to Brazil for my holiday.
  11. In his long career, Charlie Chaplin starred in hundreds of films.
  12. Since we have known each other, he has always shown good manners.
  13. Since I moved here, I have been on friendly terms with my neighbors.
  14. I have already learned the poem by heart. What did you say?
  15. We had a letter from Kim the other day.
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