найдите синонимы к выделенным словам из текста*___*

Listen to the recording and replace the underlined words with their synonyms from the track with the correct spelling.

1. Therefore, I decided I would help him *take care of* the little brother after his sickness.

2. We're having an *oral* test this week.

3. Sometimes people *are doing the same things* as others without thinking about it.

6. He made *a rude body movement* to the crowd after his tennis match.

4. The idea of becoming a journalist *interested* her.
5. And I couldn't *identify* the smell until just now.​



Ответ дал: temmsup


Therefore, I decided I would help him "look after" the little brother after his sickness.

We're having a "verbal" test this week.

Sometimes people "mimic" as others without thinking about it.

The idea of becoming a journalist "intrigued" her.

And I couldn't "recognize" the smell until just now.

He made "an obscene gesture" to the crowd after his tennis match.


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