1. 2. 3. 2. 4. Complete the sentences with the present or past simple passive of the verb in brackets. The royal wedding The Harry Potter films Nowadays, a lot of computers How many newspapers [4] (watch) by millions of people in 2011. not direct) by Steven Spielberg. (make) in Korea. (print) in Britain every day?

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Ответ дал: kkomarov

Ответ:1. How many newspapers were printed in Britain every day? [4]

2. The Harry Potter films were not directed by Steven Spielberg.

3. Nowadays, a lot of computers are made in Korea.

4. The royal wedding was watched by millions of people in 2011.


1. Сколько газет печаталось в Великобритании каждый день? [4]

2. Фильмы о Гарри Поттере были сняты не Стивеном Спилбергом.

3. В настоящее время в Корее производится много компьютеров.

4. В 2011 году за королевской свадьбой наблюдали миллионы людей.

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