Ex 2 Read the text and fill the gaps with suitable words. Use only ONE word in each gap.

People can be allergic 1) __ many different types of food. One of the 2) __ common foods that cause allergies are nuts. Peanuts can be especially dangerous – just a tiny amount can bring on an attack. 3)__ this reason, 4)__ a food contains nuts, the label must say so. A food allergy is very dangerous and can kill! The body responds 5)_ a harmless protein as if it were a deadly virus, causing the immune system to overreact. The symptoms, 6) __ can come on very quickly, include redness of the skin, difficulty 7) __ breathing, and swelling of the tongue and throat. Unless the person is 8) __ to hospital quickly, they can collapse and even die. Those at 9) __ of an allergic reaction carry a device 10)_ inject themselves with life-saving adrenaline. ​


Ответ дал: glavrustu

1) to

2) most

3) if

4) if

5) to

6) which

7) in

8) taken

9) risk

10) to

Ответ дал: dilara5224
1)to,2)most,3)if,4)if,5)to,6)which,7)in,8)taken 9)risk 10)to
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