описать прошлую неделю в паст симпл. срочно !!!!!!!


Ответ дал: kalyamelbelt2006


Last week was quite eventful. On Monday, I went to work and spent the whole day there. In the evening, I watched a movie at home with my friends. On Tuesday, I went to my classes at the university and then met up with a friend for lunch. In the afternoon, I worked on a project for a few hours. On Wednesday, I had a doctor's appointment in the morning and then went to the gym. In the evening, I cooked dinner for myself and caught up on some reading. On Thursday, I worked from home and had a few video meetings with my colleagues. In the evening, I went out for a walk in the park. On Friday, I had the day off, so I spent the morning cleaning my apartment and doing some grocery shopping. In the afternoon, I met up with some friends for coffee and later went to see a movie. Overall, it was a productive and enjoyable week.

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