Task 3. Make up sentences in Present Perfect. 1. The lesson (finished). + 2. My friends (help) me a lot. + 3. Children (not/ discuss) the film - 4. My friend (not/come) yet. - 5. They (go) to New York. + 6. The Smiths (moved) to a new house. +​


Ответ дал: bopod22789


1 The lesson has finished. +

2 My friends have helped me a lot. +

3 Children have not discussed the film. -

4 My friend has not come yet. -

5 They have gone to New York. +

6 The Smiths have moved to a new house. +

все правильные, кроме третьего и четвертого. В этих случаях нужно использовать Present Perfect Continuous, потому что действие началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем.

3 Children have not been discussing the film. -

4 My friend has not been coming yet. -


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