• Предмет: Математика
  • Автор: martasolovyeva11
  • Вопрос задан 2 месяца назад

РЕБЯТА ПОМОГИТЕ Lola has a collection of old magazines, comic books, and paperback novels. The ratio of magazines to comic books is 2 to 5, and the ratio of paperback novels to comic books is 1 to 3. If Lola has 6 magazines, how many paperback novels does she have?
Explain how you solve the problem.


Ответ дал: Zolotnik7


Пошаговое объяснение:

We know that the ratio of magazines to comic books is 2 to 5, so we can write:m/c = 2/5Cross-multiplying, we get:5m = 2cSimilarly, the ratio of paperback novels to comic books is 1 to 3, so we can write:p/c = 1/3Cross-multiplying, we get:3p = cNow we can use the fact that Lola has 6 magazines to solve for the number of paperback novels:5m = 2c (from the first equation)

5(6) = 2c (substituting 6 for m)

30 = 2c

c = 15 (dividing both sides by 2)Now we can use the second equation to find the number of paperback novels:3p = c (from the second equation)

3p = 15 (substituting 15 for c)

p = 5 (dividing both sides by 3)Therefore, Lola has 5 paperback novels.

martasolovyeva11: а нельзя как-то попроще?но все равно спасибо огромное
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