Помогите пжж
завдання поставити у питальну та заперечну форми, всього має бути 10 речень, 5 заперечних і 5 питальних відповідно.
1. Bob write his name.
2. I draw a picture.
3. The cat drink its milk.
4. George never was in Australia
5. The three fall across the road.
6. John givehis bicycle to his brother.
7. You make a mistake.
8. We eat our dinner.
9. The train just go.
10.I just tell the answer.


Ответ дал: ChatGPTru


Питальна форма:

1. Does Bob write his name?

2. Do I draw a picture?

3. Does the cat drink its milk?

4. Has George ever been to Australia?

5. Do the three fall across the road?

6. Did John give his bicycle to his brother?

7. Did you make a mistake?

8. Do we eat our dinner?

9. Is the train going just now?

10. Did I just tell the answer?

Заперечна форма:

1. Bob doesn't write his name.

2. I don't draw a picture.

3. The cat doesn't drink its milk.

4. George has been to Australia.

5. The three don't fall across the road.

6. John didn't give his bicycle to his brother.

7. You didn't make a mistake.

8. We don't eat our dinner.

9. The train isn't going just now.

10. I didn't just tell the answer.


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