Choose the correct option. Listen and check. 1 Ali and Gary sit /(are sitting on a bench at th skate park.
2 Gary usually sings/is singing in concerts or Saturday evenings.
3 The band members don't often visit / aren't visiting skate parks.
4 The skateboarders do/are doing some fan skateboard tricks at the moment.
5 Sara always wears / is always wearing her luc blue helmet.
6 Several people film/ are filming the skateboarders.

Use the Present Simple or Present Continius 2. In pairs, ask and answer the questions.
2 Gary/work/ as a reporter?
3 Ali / ask / questions at the moment?
4 Sara / wear / a helmet in the photo?
5 the band members / usually play / live in concert on Saturdays?
6 the skateboarders/ perform/ in a competition today?

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check.
I practise (practise) at a local park every weekend. 13 (not/often/do) competitions because I'm from a small town. I'm very excited today because 14 (perform) in a video for a famous band. At the (get) ready. Lots of people moment we 5 (come) into the park now. My mum and (sit) near the front because they (want) to upload photos for their friends! dad 7 8 1.3​



Ответ дал: elizaveta4erkasova29


задание 4

2. sings.

3. don't often visit

4. are doing

5. always wears

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