краткое изложение текста на тему "Escape to Narnia". 60-70 слов​


Ответ дал: kenenarujan07


Welcome to the magical world of Narnia, a land of mythical creatures and talking animals Namia is the setting of the best selling series of fantasy books by CS Lewis. Some of the books, like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, are also very popular films. Many unusual creatures live in the land of Narnia. Let's meet some of them.

Aslan, the great lion, is the creator and king of Narnia. He has magical powers and uses them for good. He is very wise and kind but can also be quite dangerous. One of Asian's loyal followers is Reepicheep, the talking mouse. He may look small, furry and cute but he is a brave knight who can fight very well with a sword

Narnia has some fascinating mythical creatures too. High in the sky, gryphons fly about. These magnificent creatures have the

body of a lion but the head and wings of a eagle. Gryphons are soldiers in Aslan's army along with centaurs. Centaurs are also strange creatures that are half-man and ha horse. They run quickly and are usually generals in Aslan's army because they are very clever.

Not all creatures in Narnia are good, though Minotaurs are enemies of Aslan. They are quite frightening creatures with the body of a human but the head of a bull. Minotaurs are stronger than the other animals in Narnia. Another terrifying enemy of Aslan is the talking wolf, Maugrim. As the leader of the wolves in Narnia, Maugrim can be extremely dangerous.

Full of fascinating creatures, Narnia can be quite an adventurous place. Why not pick up one of C. S. Lewis' books and see for yoursel (думаю это тебе нужна)

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