4 Choose the correct option.
0 Mrs Jones wants talking/ to talk to you.
1 I never manage getting / to get home before six.
2 I don't mind talking / to talk to a journalist - I'm
not shy.
3 I will never agree wearing /to wear these
4 Have you considered getting / to get a part-time
5 Ursula prefers speaking/ to speak in English to
her Spanish friends.


Ответ дал: lowzy1212


Mrs Jones wants to talk to you. (infinitive)

I never manage to get home before six. (infinitive)

I don't mind talking to a journalist - I'm not shy. (gerund)

I will never agree to wear these sweatpants. (infinitive)

Have you considered getting a part-time job? (gerund)

Ursula prefers speaking in English to her Spanish friends. (gerund)

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