Fill in the gaps with the words below.

Copy, gorgeous, recently, guide, sign, so, attraction, so.

1. She took up yoga a few months ago, ... she always looks ... relaxed.

2. This ... will help you to get to the right place.

3. The hotel room had a ... view.

4. Didn’t you see the “No smoking”...?

5. This picture is a ... of an original painting.

6. The beautiful church is the city’s main ... .

7. ... I’ve been thinking about travelling around Ukraine by bike​


Ответ дал: mshkfredeX

1. She took up yoga a few months ago, so she always looks so relaxed.

2. This guide will help you to get to the right place.

3. The hotel room had a gorgeous view.

4. Didn’t you see the “No smoking” sign?

5. This picture is a copy of an original painting.

6. The beautiful church is the city’s main attraction.

7. Recently I’ve been thinking about travelling around Ukraine by bike.

Ответ дал: johnlaw5211

1 so, so

2 guide

3 gorgeous

4 sign

5 copy

6 attraction

7 recently

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