допоможіть будь ласка тест​



Ответ дал: wowzofq

1. Patrick watching the fireworks in the park now.

2. My mum buying new boots every winter.

3. Helen not wearing jeans.She hates them

4. Sandra and lou making pancakes at the moment

5. Why sending you a card to Steven?

Because it's his birthday tomorrow.

6. Andy and his friends getting together every weekend.

7. Sally not talking on the phone. She's outside.

Объяснение: надо вставить к всем словам ing.

Ответ дал: VoidOfWinter

1. Patrick is watching at the fireworks in the park now.

2. My mum is buy new boots every winter.

3. Helen is not wearing jeans. She hates them.

4. Sandra and Lou makes pancakes at the moment.

5. A: Why are you sending a card to Steven?

B: Because it's his birthday tomorrow.

6. Andy and his friends are get together every weekend.

7. Sally is not talking on the phone. She's outside.

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