Task 4. Make up a story for this scheme. Составь рассказ по этой схеме 1. London was founded in... 2. ... founded London. 3. London is located on.... 4. The head of Britain is.... 5. I know a lot of sights in London. 6. These are museums... 7. These are churches... 8. Famous people are... 9. The King's House is... 10. The Crown Jewels are in... 11. The famous ceremony is... 12. Transport in London is... Помогите срочно!!​


Ответ дал: dontbesad


1. London was founded in 43 AD by the Roman Emperor, Claudius, who named it Londinium.

2. Londinium, a bustling port city, founded London. It quickly became an important hub for trade and commerce.

3. London is located on the banks of the River Thames in southeastern England.

4. The head of Britain is the Prime Minister, currently Boris Johnson.

5. I know a lot of sights in London. From the iconic Tower Bridge to the world-famous British Museum, there's no shortage of things to see and do.

6. These are museums that are a must-see in London. The British Museum, the National Gallery, and the Victoria and Albert Museum, just to name a few.

7. These are churches that are famous in London. St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, and Southwark Cathedral are all breathtaking examples of historic architecture.

8. Famous people have called London home throughout history. From playwright William Shakespeare to musician Freddie Mercury, the city has been home to some of the world's most influential figures.

9. The King's House is a historic landmark that is worth a visit. It's the official residence of the British monarch and has been the home of kings and queens for centuries.

10. The Crown Jewels are in the Tower of London. This historic fortress is home to the priceless Crown Jewels, which are guarded by the famous Beefeaters.

11. The famous ceremony is the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. This tradition dates back to the 17th century and is a must-see for anyone visiting London.

12. Transport in London is efficient and extensive. From the iconic red double-decker buses to the world-famous London Underground, getting around the city is easy and convenient.

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