Rewrite the sentences with the intensifiers given.
1. The house was enormous. (absolutely)

2 The game was fun. (really)

3. The actress looked pretty. (so)

4 The road was dangerous at night. (extremely)

5. My mother's pasta tasted good. (really)

6. The shopping centre was noisy. (so)

7. The boys were exhausted. (completely)

8. The sharks were fierce. (really)

9. The kitten was cute. (pretty)


Ответ дал: 0124567

The house was absolutely enormous.

The game was really fun.

The actress looked so pretty.

The road was extremely dangerous at night.

My mother's pasta tasted really good.

The shopping centre was so noisy.

The boys were completely exhausted.

The sharks were really fierce.

The kitten was pretty cute.

Condiffec: Помогите по английскому пожалуйста. Буду вам благодарен очень
Condiffec: Помогите по английскому пожалуйста. Буду вам благодарен очень.
Condiffec: Помогите по английскому пожалуйста. Буду вам благодарен очень
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