Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous

What ______ you ______ (do) at around 7 o’clock tomorrow evening?

_____ you ______(wait) for me when the plane arrives tonight?

In an hour, you ____________ (sit) in front of your TV and I____________ (bake) your favourite apple pie.

Are you nervous about the interview? – Yes, a little. This time tomorrow, I ____________ (talk) to the HR manager.

We ____________ (have) dinner when the film starts.

Don’t phone them so early. They ____________ (sleep).

I ____________ (wait) outside the cinema at 7.30. See you then!

My father ____________ (work) the whole day tomorrow.

I’d better go out tomorrow because my sister ____________ (practise) the violin all day.

_______ you ________ (take) your car to the meeting? – Yes, I think I will. Why are you asking me?

Do you think she ____________ (still work) here in five years’ time?

Steve, let’s wait! They ____________ (change) the guard in a few minutes. We can’t miss such a good view.

Just think, this time next Friday I ____________ (sit) in a Paris café reading Le Figaro.

You _______ (not read). You ________ (look) at all the pretty girls passing by.

What hotel ________ you __________ (stay) at?


Ответ дал: vladislawru1


  1. What will you be doing at around 7 o'clock tomorrow evening?
  2. Will you be waiting for me when the plane arrives tonight?
  3. In an hour, you will be sitting in front of your TV and I will be baking your favourite apple pie.
  4. Are you nervous about the interview? – Yes, a little. This time tomorrow, I will be talking to the HR manager.
  5. We will be having dinner when the film starts.
  6. Don’t phone them so early. They will be sleeping.
  7. I will be waiting outside the cinema at 7.30. See you then!
  8. My father will be working the whole day tomorrow.
  9. I’d better go out tomorrow because my sister will be practising the violin all day.
  10. Will you take your car to the meeting? – Yes, I think I will. Why are you asking me?
  11. Do you think she will still be working here in five years’ time?
  12. Steve, let’s wait! They will be changing the guard in a few minutes. We can’t miss such a good view.
  13. Just think, this time next Friday I will be sitting in a Paris café reading Le Figaro.
  14. You won't be reading. You will be looking at all the pretty girls passing by.
  15. What hotel will you be staying at?

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