hoose the correct variant to complete the sentences. Explain your choice.

I’ve got toothache again. I see/ am seeing the dentist this afternoon.

I’m going to the supermarket. - You’d better be quick then as it is going to close /closes at eight o’clock.

I know exactly. When we arrive, she will pick/ will be picking cherries.

Is Janet coming to the theatre with us next Saturday? - I don’t know, but I’ll be seeing /I am going to see her in the fitness club tomorrow. I’ll ask her then.

I’ll call you as soon as I arrive /will arrive at the airport.

I’m sure when I get home my dog will sit/ will be sitting at the door waiting for me.

I doubt if she passes/ will pass her exams.

If you ask/ will ask Bob nicely, I’m sure he will help you.

Don’t call Amanda between 8 and 9. She will put/ will be putting her child into bed.

He will finish his course paper when he will have/ has all the material.


Ответ дал: vladislawru1


  1. I am seeing the dentist this afternoon. (This is the correct choice because the speaker has already made an appointment with the dentist for this afternoon. The present continuous "am seeing" emphasizes the action that is already planned and arranged.)
  2. It is going to close at eight o’clock. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is talking about a future event that is already scheduled, and they know the time of the supermarket's closing. "Is going to close" emphasizes the certainty of the event.)
  3. She will be picking cherries. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is talking about an action in progress in the future. "Will be picking" emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action.)
  4. I’ll ask her then. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is talking about a future event that is already planned. The future simple "will ask" emphasizes the speaker's intention to ask Janet about the theatre.)
  5. I’ll call you as soon as I arrive at the airport. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is talking about a future event that is certain to happen. The present simple "arrive" emphasizes the certainty of the event.)
  6. My dog will be sitting at the door waiting for me. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is talking about a future action in progress. "Will be sitting" emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action.)
  7. I doubt if she will pass her exams. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is expressing doubt about a future event. The future simple "will pass" emphasizes the uncertainty of the event.)
  8. If you ask Bob nicely, I’m sure he will help you. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is talking about a hypothetical future event. The present simple "ask" is used to express a hypothetical situation.)
  9. She will be putting her child into bed. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is talking about an ongoing action in progress. "Will be putting" emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action.)
  10. He will finish his course paper when he has all the material. (This is the correct choice because the speaker is talking about a future event that will occur when a certain condition is met. The future simple "will finish" is used to emphasize the certainty of the event.)

Ответ дал: lilyarum2010


am seeing

to close

will pick

I am going

l arrive

will be sitting



will be putting

will have

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