твір з англійської як я хворів​


Ответ дал: yana202935
Everyone wants to be healthy. But sometimes you just have to get sick. So that the children do not go to school. And for adults - to work or to an unpleasant meeting. Yes, and adults sometimes just need to do it. You can, of course, cheat and pretend. But, for some reason, I want to get sick. After all, you can't lie to yourself. And it's better to get sick. Just not very hard. Without chills and high temperature.

And without a sore throat: how can you swallow your mother's delicious pies, which she bakes especially for a sick child? Yes, and you don't need any infectious diseases! Especially, chickenpox with itchy unpleasant bubbles. A mild cold with a low temperature is the best: you can not go to school, but everything else - please! After all, it is not for nothing that the intelligent children's poet Mikhalkov composed a wonderful poem about thirty-six and five. Let it even be thirty-seven and five. And so my dream came true: I had a fever. The thermometer honestly shows thirty-seven and four. And really, like in the poem, the head starts to hurt. And I almost always have a runny nose. After all, no one has canceled allergies yet. I lie in bed and wait for the doctor. You can, of course, get dressed, but waiting in bed is more reliable and reliable. Just lying around is very boring, I'm not an old grandfather. I don't want to read, so I tell my mother that it's hard on my eyes.

And mom believes! And in the rush of confidence, the fact that looking at a smartphone is not difficult at all is missed. Mom runs into the kitchen and makes the dough for my favorite pies with apples and cinnamon. In short, life succeeded. But you have to wait for the doctor. After all, as another verse says, a sick person needs a doctor, a pharmacy. And what if he or she doesn't give me a release, like it used to be in the USSR? After all, with such a temperature, I could go to the doctor myself. But the doctor aunt succeeds and, without going into details, gives me an exemption from school. True, only for three days. But this is just great! Now I can be sick completely calmly. I take a paracetamol tablet, the temperature drops, the headache goes away. You can plunge into the information abyss of the Internet. Medicines are laid out next to the bed and there is a bubble with drops in the nose. Mom brings a glass of my favorite cranberry juice. The delicious smell of cinnamon wafts from the kitchen. We need to take a lunch break. After all, a sick person needs to eat properly.

And I start eating. Of course, I will not eat soup: my appetite has decreased due to fever and illness. That is, if only a couple of pies with apples. Yes, with sweet tea with lemon. Mom looks at me touchingly. Only to please my mother, I am asking for more pies. And I generally have no appetite. Lunch is over. The empty plate after seven pies was taken away and washed. For some reason, he begins to drift off to sleep. I heard that in a dream people recover faster. So, you need to sleep.

When I open my eyes, the clock reads nineteen hours and eight minutes. Time for a light dinner. Only a couple of pies. And you can use your favorite smartphone again. Against the background of your favorite TV shows, of course. At twelve o'clock I go to sleep. Although the word "leave" does not fit here - I'm lying down for now. Going to bed hungry is harmful for a patient, so I "go" to sleep after five pies and a cup of hot cocoa. Cocoa and pies make a pleasant grumble in the stomach. I picture tomorrow in my dreams. I hope that he will be as good as today, despite the illness.
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