Помогите пожалуйста с английским



Ответ дал: wrcon

А. 1. sleep - slept

2. stop - stopped

3. become - became

4. buy - bought

5. walk - walked

B. 1. a: Steve wasn't at the football match yesterday. Where was he?

b: He was with his cousin all day. I think they were at the new shopping centre.

2. a: I was at the cinema complex last night.

b: Were there lots of people there?

a: No, there weren't.

3. It was John's birthday yesterday.

C: 1. a: Did you go

b: didn't want ; stayed

2. b: did you find

b: didn't go

3. a: did you get up

b: got up ; made

D: 1. goes ; didn't go

2. didn't visit ; had

3. a: did you watch

b: don't like ; watched

4. went ; had

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