помогите прошу!!!!!!!!​



Ответ дал: mahnosasa1



Presente perfecto y pasado simple

Después de leer la conversación, se colocaron en los espacios en blanco los verbos en presente perfecto o pasado simple, que correspondían:

DAVID: I Haven't seen those shoes before. Are they new?

KATE: Yes, I just bought (just buy) them. Do you like them?

DAVID: They're Ok. How much did they cost (cost)?

KATE: Oh, not much. They were (be) a bargain. Under £100.

DAVID: You mean £99.99. That isn't cheap for pair of shoes.  Anyway, we can't afford to buy new clothes at the moment.

KATE: Why not?

DAVID: Did you see (see) this?

KATE: No. What is it?

DAVID: The phone bill. It came (arrive) this morning.  And we still haven't paid (not pay) the electricity bill yet.

KATE: Well, what about the iPad you bought (buy) last week?

DAVID: What about it?

KATE: You didn't need (not need) a new one. The old one worked (work)  perfectly well.

DAVID: But I needed (need) the new model.

KATE: Well, I needed (need) some new shoes.

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