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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Make any changes necessary, but do not change the order of the words.

1Are you looking for your son?____ (that/be/he) over there, isn't it?


Ответ дал: oloxbadanov

Ответ: Are you looking for your son? That is he over there, isn't it? (using the demonstrative pronoun "that" and the subject pronoun "he")

heurh: Можеш ще це вирішити будь ласка
heurh: He had forgotten the title of the song, but he ___(can remember/hear) it before.
oloxbadanov: had hear
heurh: Дякую!!
heurh: 1) You've got a cold, haven't you? You ___(better/not/go out) today at all.(і якщо можна це також)
heurh: I think that by 10 o'clock they __(already/leave) for the seaside.
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