1. Match the words and make up own sentences.

a) wastes b) problems c) protection d) pollution e) resources f) water
1) natural 2) ecological 3) industrial 4) drinking 5) environmental 6) chemical

Match the words with their definitions 1.environment
2. to reduce
4.to reuse
a) the way in which plants, animals, people are related to each other and the environment
b) no longer exits
c) the air, the water, the land in which people, animals and plants live
d) to use something again
e) to make something smaller or less in size amount or price​


Ответ дал: klumbkids



a) wastes - The factory disposes of its hazardous wastes in a special landfill.

b) problems - Pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems we face today.

c) protection - National parks are established for the protection of natural resources.

d) pollution - The water in the river was polluted by the chemicals from the nearby factory.

e) resources - Renewable energy resources such as solar and wind power are becoming increasingly popular.

f) water - Access to clean drinking water is a basic human right.

Match the words with their definitions:

1 environment - c) the air, the water, the land in which people, animals and plants live

2 reduce - e) to make something smaller or less in size amount or price​

3 ecology - a) the way in which plants, animals, people are related to 4 each other and the environment

4  reuse - d) to use something again

5 extinct - b) no longer exists

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