Complete the conversation with suitable words. Use ONE word for each gap.
Sarah: Hi, Paul! It's great to see you!
Yeah, you too, Sarah. What are you up!
Sarah: I'm looking at these photos of my birthday party in a restaurant?
week. This
one's funny!
Really? Pass?
Sarah: Sorry, which one do you +
here. So who's that?
Paul: Look, he's sitting S
to you at the table.
Sarah: That's my cousin Nick. We've always
on really well. He's so funny!
Paul: And who's that?
the left?
Sarah: That's another cousin, Louis.
Paul: Sorry, I didn't 8
that. What's his name again?
Sarah: Louis. I thought at first that he couldn't come, but he managed it, and we had a great time
all together. So all's well that"
You're right. Anyway, why don't you come to the pool with me now? Everyone's going - it'11 10
a laugh!
Sarah: OK, why not?
Great!Complete the conversation with suitable words. Use ONE word for each gap.
Sarah: Hi, Paul! It's great to see you!
Yeah, you too, Sarah. What are you up!
Sarah: I'm looking at these photos of my birthday party in a restaurant?
week. This
one's funny!
Really? Pass?
Sarah: Sorry, which one do you +
here. So who's that?
Paul: Look, he's sitting S
to you at the table.
Sarah: That's my cousin Nick. We've always
on really well. He's so funny!
Paul: And who's that?
the left?
Sarah: That's another cousin, Louis.
Paul: Sorry, I didn't 8
that. What's his name again?
Sarah: Louis. I thought at first that he couldn't come, but he managed it, and we had a great time
all together. So all's well that"
You're right. Anyway, why don't you come to the pool with me now? Everyone's going - it'11 10
a laugh!
Sarah: OK, why not?


Ответ дал: nellytheelephant


Sarah: Hi, Paul! It’s great to see you!

Paul: Yeah, you too, Sarah. What are you up 1) to?

Sarah: I’m looking at these photos of my birthday party in a restaurant 2) last week. This one’s funny!

Paul: Really? Pass 3) it here. So who’s that?

Sarah: Sorry, which one do you 4) mean?

Paul: Look, he’s sitting 5) next to you at the table.

Sarah: That’s my cousin Nick. We’ve always 6) got on really well. He’s so funny!

Paul: And who’s that 7) on the left?

Sarah: That’s another cousin, Louis.

Paul: Sorry, I didn’t 8) catch that. What’s his name again?

Sarah: Louis. I thought at first that he couldn’t come, but he managed it, and we had a great time all together. So all’s well that 9) ends well!

Paul: You’re right. Anyway, why don’t you come to the pool with me now? Everyone’s going – it’ll 10) be a laugh!

Sarah: OK, why not?

Paul: Great!


Нужно заполнить пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами.

Перевод диалога:

Сара: Привет, Пол! Приятно видеть тебя!

Пол: Да, и мне тебя тоже, Сара. Чем занимаешься? (What are you up to? - разговорная фраза)

Сара: Смотрю на эти фотографии с моего дня рождения в ресторане на прошлой неделе. Эта смешная!

Пол: Правда? Передай сюда. Так, а кто это?

Сара: Извини, кого из них ты имеешь в виду?

Пол: Смотри, он сидит рядом с тобой за столом.

Сара: Это мой двоюродный брат Ник. Мы всегда хорошо ладили. Он такой забавный!

Пол: А кто это слева?

Сара: Это еще один двоюродный брат, Луис.

Пол: Извини, я не понял. Как его зовут еще раз?

Сара: Луис. Я сначала думала, что он не сможет прийти, но у него получилось, и мы отлично провели время все вместе. Так что все хорошо, что хорошо кончается!

Пол: Верно. Ладно, хочешь сейчас пойти в бассейн? Все идут - будет весело!

Сара: Хорошо, почему бы и нет?

Пол: Отлично!


annanasik2405: на жаль три не вірних
nellytheelephant: 1 to 2 last 3 it 4 mean 5 next 6 got 7 on 8 catch 9 ends 10 be
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