5 Complete the sentences about Newville using There is / isn't, There are/aren't and a/an, some and any. 1 2 There aren't any shops near the school. flats next to the park. flats next to the factory. 3 4 5 6 18 M C c school near the factory. factory near the sports centre. offices in the park. restaurant opposite the shopping centre.
Первые 2 утверд
3-4 отриц
5-6 вопрос
Пожалуйста, дам много баллов ​


Ответ дал: kofklens682


3. There isn't a school near the factory.

4. There aren't any flats next to the sports centre.

5. Are there any offices in the park?

6. Is there a restaurant opposite the shopping centre?


надеюсь помог

kofklens682: можно лучший ответ
kofklens682: ? ?
menkop55: а где 1 и 2
sena45444: Моладец
kofklens682: спасибо
ilasardov: спс выручил
kofklens682: нез
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