срочно дам 50 баллов!!!!!7 полезных привычек на англ​


Ответ дал: enviee

time management — распределять время

drink water — пить воду

eat breakfast — есть завтрак

get enough sleep — высыпаться

do exercise — делать зарядку

set daily goals — ставить цели на день

track your spending — отслеживать свои доходы

Ответ дал: ShucarZ

if you want be happier:
1. Hang out with positive people.
2. Write down three good things that happen to you every day.
3. Buy something new (even something small, like a new brand of tea).
4. Spend more time in the sun. Or in well-lit institutions if it's cloudy outside.
5. Spend time doing things you enjoy doing.
6. Take your pet for a walk or just stroke it, it will bring you positive emotions.
7. Call an old friend or loved one.

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