Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
St Valentine’s Day, cards, March 8, fairy tale, decorate, presents

1) In Ukraine people celebrate Mother’s Day on_______________ .
2) Santa Claus always brings___________________ to children.
3)__________________is a popular holiday which we celebrate on February 14.
4) My mother’s favourite_____________________ was «Sleeping Beauty».
5) At Christmas people send Christmas ___________to their friends and relatives.
6) We always ______________the New Year tree with glass balls and lights.


Ответ дал: tori44ka
1) March 8
2) presents
3) St Valentine’s Day
4) fairy tale
5) cards
6) decorate
Ответ дал: ismailva43
In Ukraine people celebrate Mother’s Day on March 8.
Santa Claus always brings presents to children.
St Valentine’s Day is a popular holiday which we celebrate on February 14.
My mother’s favourite fairy tale was «Sleeping Beauty».
At Christmas people send Christmas cards to their friends and relatives.
We always decorate the New Year tree with glass balls and lights.
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