Write dates in words.(Записати дати словами) a) 01.01 b) 09.04 c) 31.09 d) 22.04 e) 11.07


Ответ дал: sacrqrl

a) The first of January

b) The ninth of April

c) The thirty-first of September

d) The twenty-second of April

e) The eleventh of July

na71977: Пробачте, за зірочки, чомусь не поставилось більше.
Ответ дал: hypefaq

а) January first (January 1st)
b) April ninth (April 9th)
c) September thirty-first (September 31st)
d) April twenty-second (April 22nd)
e) July eleventh (July 11th)

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