1. If you want to pass your exams, you need
2. I'm sorry I broke the glass. I couldn't help
3. Does this job need
4. I've got an extra bed, so when you come to stay, you won't need
(study) more.
(drop) it.
(do) now or can I leave it until later?
5. Tom helped his mother,
(get) the dinner ready.
6. When he told me that everybody had made fun of him, I couldn't help.
7. Those shirts need
(iron) but you don't need
8. He looks so funny. When I see him, I can't help
9. The fine weather helped
(make) it a very enjoyable holiday.
(bring)your sleeping bag
(feel) sorry for him.
(do) it now.


Ответ дал: maxcimusalekeprov

if you want to pass the exam you need study more

остальное не понимаЮ ты все разбросал так что не понятно

Вас заинтересует