Ответьте пожалуйста на 2 задание True and Falsе и 4 задание.Пожалуйста дам 50 баллов‼️


nazarkovbasenko161: 4. We had a lot of fun things. We saw the Mona Liza. We rode a boat. I had a lot of crepes with chocolade. I bought a T-shirt. We had a fantastic time and yesterday i took some photos on face to my friends to see


Ответ дал: nazarkovbasenko161

Ответ: 4. We had a lot of fun things. We saw the Mona Liza. We rode a boat. I had a lot of crepes with chocolade. I bought a T-shirt. We had a fantastic time and yesterday i took some photos on face to my friends to see

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