8 Writing Write a short paragraph comparing your town/ city/village to Verona, Italy. Think about: streets, parks, shops, markets, buildings, houses, restaurants. I live in .... It is a ... in .... It's.... It has got ... and ... Student's Book: Language Review 8a Workbook: 8a MODULE 8 для Астана пж срочно​



Ответ дал: rtkop62



I live in Astana, which is the capital city of Kazakhstan. It is a modern city with impressive skyscrapers and beautiful architecture. Although it is different from Verona, Italy, Astana also has its own unique charm. The streets are wide and clean, and the parks are well-maintained and beautiful. There are many shops and markets where you can buy everything you need. The buildings and houses are a mix of modern and traditional styles. There are also many excellent restaurants in Astana, serving both local and international cuisine. Overall, Astana is a vibrant and exciting city, and I'm proud to call it my home.

Аноним: это правильно?
ulzhankuanishbaeva2: дұрыспа?
ajdaradosmagambet: Да
ajdaradosmagambet: Ну првильно для тех кто живет в астане
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