Fill in: hits, tempting, address, aisle. designer,
banned, revenge, values. scratched, carried away.
1 We should uphold traditional family .............. .
2 Holly often gets .......................................... on
shopping trips and spends far too much money.
3 Jim took his new camera back to the shop
because the lens was ...................................... .
4 Many teenagers can 't wear jeans to school
because their school has ........................ them.
5 Jane only wears ................................... clothes,
especially Gucci, Versace and Calvin Klein.
6 The smell of freshly-baked cakes ..................... .
you as you enter the bakery.
7 The frozen foods are in ............................. 10.
8 There are ............................ displays of sweets
at the checkout.
9 Please ................................ him by name when
he arrives.
10 He was so angry with John he decided to take


Ответ дал: atlantaa67



We should uphold traditional family values.

Holly often gets carried away on shopping trips and spends far too much money.

Jim took his new camera back to the shop because the lens was scratched.

Many teenagers can't wear jeans to school because their school has banned them.

Jane only wears designer clothes, especially Gucci, Versace, and Calvin Klein.

The smell of freshly-baked cakes is tempting as you enter the bakery.

The frozen foods are in aisle 10.

There are tempting displays of sweets at the checkout.

Please address him by name when he arrives.

He was so angry with John he decided to take revenge.

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